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Acocella, Joan, “Power Boothe on Two Edges,” The Village Voice, February 20-26, 1991, review with photo.

_____, Joan, “New York Reviews,” Dance Magazine, September 1988, review with photo.

_____, Joan, "Brain Fever", Art in America, June 1991

Armstrong, Leora, "A Touchstone of True Friendship and Conversation: Traverse," March 4, 2024, article with photo, Mainstreet Magazine, Sharon, CT

Ashton, Dore, American Art Since 1945 (Oxford University Press), 1982, pages 159-160, with photo.

_____, “Power Boothe’s Gait,” Arts Magazine, June 1981, article with photos.

_____, “Painting Endures,” Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, 1975, catalog with photo.

Baker, Kenneth, “Inauspicious Content in a New ICA Form,” Boston Phoenix, May 17, 1975, review.

Bannon, Anthony, “Members Gallery, Albright Knox,” Buffalo Evening News, April 15, 1977, review.

Bell, Jane, Arts Magazine, January 1974, review with photo.

Betz, Margaret, “Power Boothe (A.M. Sachs),” Art News, May 1976, review with photo.

Burnside, Madeleine, “Power Boothe (A.M. Sachs),” Art News, December 1977, review with photo.

Catlin, Roger, “Power Boothe’s Work Rises Out of ‘Order’, Hartford Courant, January 30, 2011.

Commanday, Robert, “Effective Vision in Oakland,” San Francisco Chronicle, September 24, 1994.

Dieckman, Katherine, “Film Noir et Blanc,” Village Voice, February 10, 1987, review.

Dunning, Jennifer, “Symbolism by Power Boothe,” New York Times, March 17, 1991, review.

_____, “Out in the Proving Grounds, Times Get Tougher,” New York Times, May 26, 1991, article.

Edelman, Robert G., “Power Boothe at Stephen Haller,” Art in America, May 1996, review with photo.

Ellenzweig, Allen, “Power Boothe,” Arts Magazine, May 1976, review with photo.

_____, “Power Boothe,” Arts Magazine, December 1977, review with photo.

Everingham, Carol J., “Power Boothe’s Abstract Musical Figures in Paint,” The Advocate and Greenwich Time, November 1988, review with photo.

Foster, Hal, Artforum, December 1977, review with photo.

Frank, Peter, “Power Boothe (A.M. Sachs),” Art News, January 1975, review with photo.

Haggerty, Gerard, “Power Boothe, Ron Ehrlich, Melinda Strickney-Gibson,” Art News, June 1995, review with photo.

Jennings, Kate, “Power Boothe’s Method:  Courting the Artistic Accident,” Greenwich News, October 1998, review.

_____, “Power of Suggestion,” Fairpress, 1988, review with photo.

Kisselgoff, Anna, “French Canadian Newcomers,” New York Times, December 19, 1992, review.

Kramer, Hilton, “Guggenheim Shows Ten Young Artists,” New York Times, September 25, 1971, review.

_____, “Power Boothe (Sachs, 29 West 57th Street), New York Times, November 3, 1973, review.

_____, “Power Boothe (Sachs, 29 West 57th Street), New York Times, November 16, 1974, review.

_____, “Power Boothe (Sachs, 29 West 57th Street), New York Times, June 12, 1981, review.

Larson, Susan, “The Language of Abstraction,” Betty Parsons Gallery, NY, June 1979, catalog with photo.

Learsy, Raymond, “SCAF Gallery:  First Show Offers Variety,” The Lakeville Journal and the News, June 30, 1977, review with photo.

Matturri, John, “Obstructed Windows:  The Films and Paintings of Power Boothe,” Motion Picture, Fall 1986, article with photo.
McCabe, Bret, 'Hues and Abstract Truths,' BmoreArt Magazine, Baltimore, MD, April 2022

Mahoney, Robert, Souyun Yi Gallery, New York Exhibit, Arts Magazine, April 1989

Nicolescu, Alec, “American Abstract Artists 60th Anniversary Exhibition,” 1996, catalog with photo.

Protzman, Ferdinard, “It All Adds Up, From Twenty Strong Works, One Strong Show,” The Washington Post, April 29, 1999, review with photo.

Raynor, Vivien, “Art:  A Modest Survey Spotlighting Subtleties,” New York Times, December 1983, review.

_____, “Works by Power Boothe in Stamford and Greenwich,” New York Times, November 1988, review with photos.

_____, “Surprises at State Museum,” New York Times, June 1992, review.

Russo, Francine, “Comedy of Errors,” The Village Voice, February 5-11, 1992, review.

O’Shaughnessy, Tracy, Boothe A Showstopper in Torrington, Republican American, Waterbury, CT

Smith, Roberta, Artforum, February 1974, review with photo.

_____, “Power Boothe,” New York Times, October 20, 1995, review.

Sussman, Elizabeth, “Power Boothe,” Institute of Contemporary Art, June 1984, review.

Thomsen, Barbara, “Power Boothe at Sachs,” Art in America, March-April 1975, review with photo.

_____, “A.M. Sachs, 29 West 57th Street, Power Boothe, March 6 25,” 57th Street Review, 1976, review with photo.

Tucker, Marlyn, “Our Town as ballet is an all-out triumph,” Contra Costa Times, September 1994, review.

Ulrich, Allen, “New Oakland Ballet Season,” San Francisco Examiner, September 23, 1994, review.

Waldman, Diane, “Ten Young Artists:  Theodoran Awards,” Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1971, catalog with photo.

Wechsler, Jeffrey, “Subtleties,” Sutton Gallery, 1983, catalog with photo.

Werthman, Francine, “Drawings,” University of Nebraska at Omaha, 1981, catalog with photo.

Yau, John, “Power Boothe at A.M. Sachs,” Art in America, December 1981, review with photo.

Zimmer, William, “Geometry, Sometimes Almost Garish,” New York Times, December 10, 1989, review.


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